Sensitization of Communities on Conservation

Sensitization of Communities on Conservation

Integrated biodiversity conservation is an important mission that Bridge is working on in collaboration with its partners the Jana Robeyst Trust Fund, Brevard Zoo, Fresno Chaffee Zoo Wildlife conservation Fund, Chicago Board of Trade Endangered Species Fund; Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium’s PPG Conservation and Sustainability Fund.

Biodiversity conservation in Korup, Nlonako, Banyang Mbo, Southern Bakundu terrestrial ecosystems aim to conserve wildlife while at the same time improving livelihood of the local communities. Bridge plays a key role in the realisation of the field activities by ensuring restoration and management of ecosystem services in the context of a green economy operates within the following components

It is within this framework that MINEPAT instituted the national and Regional Zoning plan with the decentralization process in Cameroon which is also being established in most of the countries of the Congo basin, with communities’ involvement in decision making becoming an imperative as far as the management of land and resources are concerned. It is within this bracket that BRIDGE and its partners delved in mapping and LUP with aims to:

» Critical wildlife habitat conservation through creation/strengthening of protected areas of high conservation value;
» Sustainable farming practices and promotion of communities’ livelihood and biodiversity conservation through IESMP;
» Knowledge management, monitoring, and evaluation.